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Ambiguous Progressive Thrash Metal

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I first joined Ninmah as bass player after their recording of the Ninhursag Monsters demo back in early 2007. I stayed until 2010 and rejoined in 2012.

It is my only band at this time... And we're working on the following of this great adventure started over 6000 years ago... In ancient Sumer!

NINMAH - NINMAH (2015) - Autoproduction


Available on Digipack CD: send message to


1- 491318

2- The Eleventh Day

3- The Fall of Uruk

4- Voice

5- 1h37

6- Mu²

7- Mu3

8- The Curse Of Nergal

9- Chaos in Practice

10- Age Of Reason



Bob - clean Vox

Tom - clean vox

Ju - harsh vox

Touff - harsh vox

JC - guitars

Gael - guitars

Verdo - bass

Caesar - drums

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